Christian M. Williams


Chris Williams has thirty years of experience as a trial attorney, focusing on all aspects of employment, commercial and general tort litigation. Chris has represented Ohio school boards in trial and appellate court litigation, labor arbitrations, real property tax valuation cases, civil rights claims, employment discrimination, student discipline matters, and many other school law matters. Chris also counsels school boards in labor and other contract negotiations. Chris is the former Chair of the Executive Committee of the Ohio Council of School Board Attorneys and is a regular presenter on school law issues throughout the state.

Chris spends his free time with his wife and three children, fostering service dogs, and serving with F3 Cleveland. Chris has served in a variety of volunteer roles, including as Treasurer and Chief for the Cuyahoga Valley Native Sons and Daughters, an organization dedicated to promoting the bond between father and child through recreational activities such as camping, model rockets, and the pine car derby, as well as serving as the Treasurer for its parent organization, National Longhouse, Ltd.

Bar Admissions


Court Admissions

United States District Court, Northern District of Ohio
United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit
Ohio local and state courts

Professional & Civic Organizations/Activities

Ohio State Bar Association
Ohio Council of School Board Attorneys’ Executive Committee


J.D., cum laude, Case Western Reserve University School of Law
B.A., cum laude, English (minors in Political Science and Philosophy), Case Western Reserve University

Selected Presentations & Published Works

“Investigating Employee Misconduct and Imposing Discipline” – Administrative In-Service

“Student Discipline Issues for the Legal Practitioner” – OCSBA School Attorney Workshop

“Common Errors Made by Administrators When Dealing with Student Discipline” – BASA

“Avoidable Mistakes Common Errors by Inexperienced Negotiators” – School Negotiations Workshop


“A Ledger Out of Balance: Your Limited Rights to Challenge Property Valuation After HB 126” – School Law Update Seminar

“Investigating Employee Misconduct and Imposing Discipline” – School In-Service

“How to Prepare, Persuade and Prevail in Negotiations” – School Negotiations Workshop

“Confidentiality in Dealing with Student Issues” – School In-Service


“Remote Education and Discipline” – OSBA

“Fixing Troublesome Contract Language” – School Negotiations Workshop


“Discipline in the Age of COVID-19: Virtual Misconduct”; School Law Update Seminar

“Sports Law Virtual Workshop – Legal Roundup”; Ohio School Boards Association

“Setting the Bargaining Table: Preparations for Negotiations”; School Negotiations Workshop

“Ticket to Ride: Access to Extracurricular Activities Under Section 504”; Special Education Seminar